Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Got MONEY to Donate? Give it to these guys.

The Just Say Now campaign is one of the best places a cannabis reform advocate can spend their money. This cutting edge campaign aimed at legalizing cannabis, and in turn, quitting taking people to jail for weed, is one of the best things going in the world of weed legalization. The progressive organization FireDogLake.com is the structure behind this evolutionary campaign.

Tired of the same old same old in cannabis reform groups? Well give your money to Just Say Now instead, who are breaking down barriers and using their funding to end the evil of cannabis prohibition.

Here is more about their campaign:

Just Say Now is a campaign for marijuana legalization, made of a transpartisan alliance of organizations seeking to improve our nation’s drug laws. Our effort is spearheaded by Firedoglake, a progressive blog and activist hub dedicated to bringing greater transparency and accountability to government. Our campaign will work to organize an effective online/offline movement to help pass marijuana legalization in the elections of 2010, 2012 and beyond.

For media inquiries, or to book any of our advisory board members, please see our media page.

Click here to contact Just Say Now.

Mission Statement
Our nation’s prohibition of marijuana has cost the country billions, resulted in a massive increase in incarceration rates, funded criminal syndicates, and yet failed to stop people from using marijuana. It is a failed, costly and misguided policy that must end now. We are a group of all individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and political leanings that share the simple conviction that marijuana prohibition must end. That is why we are promoting the legalization and sensible regulation of marijuana through grassroots organizing and direct democratic action.

Why Legalize Marijuana?

Support Law Enforcement and Prison Reform 

Since Ronald Reagan began his war on drugs in 1982, the US prison population has quadrupled: The US only has 5% of the world’s population, but we now have 25% of its prisoners — more than China. In 2007, arrests for marijuana possession alone totaled 775,138, greatly exceeding arrests forall violent crimes combined. 

There is no evidence that decriminalization of marijuana has increased use: In studies that compare rates of marijuana use in states that have decriminalized vs. states that haven’t, most of the evidence suggests that decriminalization has had no effect. European countries with less draconian drug laws have lower rates of use. And though it is purely anecdotal, it is nonetheless true that following the end of alcohol prohibition, consumption of alcohol actually went down.

Solve our Border Crisis 

Border security and immigration hysteria is being fueled by money going to drug cartels from marijuana smuggling: Contrary to popular belief, the shooting at the Mexican border which triggered the recent draconian Arizona search law was precipitated by a shooting over marijuana smuggling, not undocumented workers. To solve the border crisis, legalize marijuana. 

Ending marijuana prohibition could cut the profits of Mexican drug cartels by 60%, money that has enabled them to threaten the stability of Mexico: Recently outgoing head of the CIA, Gen. Michael Hayden, warned that drug cartels “threaten … the well-being of the Mexican people and the Mexican state.”

Driving Young Voter Turnout 

Drug arrests deny young people access to educational and other opportunities: A 1998 law denies financial aid to any student convicted of even a misdemeanor drug offense. The arrests produce a permanent criminal record, easily accessed on the internet, that can also keep applicants from getting a job, a loan or even an apartment. Over 200,000 students have lost their access to student loans over marijuana arrests. 

The issue of marijuana legalization is overwhelmingly popular with young voters: After the 2008 election, President-elect Obama conducted three rounds of voting on his official Transition Team Web site, asking users to submit ideas and vote on them. In all three rounds of voting questions related to taxing and regulating marijuana were the top vote getters. 

Marijuana legalization on the ballot is a strong incentive for young voters to turn out: A recent poll by AmericaVotes found that 47% of “surge” voters were more likely to turn out to vote in the midterm if marijuana legalization were on the ballot.

Billions in Tax Revenue 

Regulating marijuana like alcohol could generate significant tax revenue: According to a report authored by Harvard University economist Jeffrey Miron and endorsed by Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman it would produce $40 billion a year in taxes. The California’s State Board of Equalization estimated legal, regulated, and taxed marijuana would generate $1.4 billion for the state annually. Prosecuting marijuana offenders contributes significantly to the current state budget crisis: Currently, one in every 15 dollars in the states’ main pools of discretionary money goes to corrections.


We’re working hard to legalize marijuana in 2012.

Can you chip in $4.20 to help us legalize marijuana?

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